
Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's BLOG CANDY time!

Heeeeeeeere’s the blog candy I promised. I can’t believe my counter is at almost 12,000 hits after just two months. Wow!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU for visiting me!

Here’s what you have to do….

Just leave a comment to this post telling me your favorite ice cream flavor and include your entry number in your comment. If you’re a subscriber, you can post a second comment for a second entry. How’s that for easy??

Oh, and if you’re posting as "anonymous" *please* include some sort of name at the end of your comment…just so I can identify you if you win!

I’ll draw a number through on the morning of Wednesday, June 4th and announce the winner that same morning.’s the package of what you can win:

~ a Martha Stewart butterfly craft punch (love, love, love this punch!!)
~ a 6" x 6" K&Company Hannah paper pad
~ two packs of Mini Me Primas

Big {cyber} hugs,


  1. Ciao

    crei delle card molto belle
    il mio gelato preferito è
    fior di latte.

    Un abbraccio


  2. Post #2. My favorite ice cream? That's tough, 'cuz I like 'em all! The one I buy most often is coffee, though - yum.

  3. #3 Congratulations!

    My favorite ice cream is: Chocolate Peanut Butter!

  4. OK, so I'm boring!! French Vanilla is my all time fav!

  5. #5 - My favorite flavor right now is York Peppermint Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins - Mmmmm.... Otherwise it would be Dean's Mint Meltaway.

    Great candy, BTW!!

  6. #6 - yummy candy! I love Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla with all kinds of toppings :) Kim stampinscrapnewbie

  7. Lucky number 7! My favorite ice cream is Butter Pecan, no, maybe Pralines and Cream, no, ooh, I forgot about Mocha Almond Fudge! I ate a lot of that when I was pregnant last summer! Yum! thanks for the opportunity at some fun stuff! :o)

  8. #8 ohhhh, the butterfly punch. Graet blog candy. Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. Well, I've yet to meet an ice cream that I haven't liked but my current favorite is Pecan Turtle Fudge. This is a limited edition Publix ice cream and only available in the South ... at, duh, Publix=Where Shopping is a Pleasure!

    Congrats on the hits and thanks for the chance!

    Visit me sometime HERE.

  10. #10 I love bubble gum :) Crazy I know but still love it! LOL


  11. Post #11, My favorite is strawberry.


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. post # 12..12,000 hits after just two months. Wow!! I got 7 visitors in 1 week and I was on cloud # 9... lol. Your blog rocks, though so I am not surprised!!!!

    My favorite flavor is MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP. Yum.

  14. 12.Chocolate ice cream with hot fudge sauce...

  15. I just left a comment as 12 but someone else did at same time so it should be 13...

  16. oh my goodness, that paper! think crossin' my fingers n toes would help me win? LOL i've had you in my feed reader since i first found you, i never miss a post...and i don't even contribute to your site meter, as i usually just read you from my i bet you've got a ton more readers than you think !!!

  17. and 17 so excited i forgot my ice cream fave is just plain ol' chocolate, i'm easy

  18. #18 Rocky Road is my current favorite. I love, LOVE your work. I check your blog every day plus read your feed in email. I'm not surprised you have this many hits with what is posted.

  19. #18 -How neat - to find your blog this morning & to see that you're offering candy! I love German Chocolate ice cream (from Braum's) with all the pecans, coconut & other wonderful things that are not good for me!!! : )
    I really love your creations, so I'm subscribing thru your RSS feed. Thanks for sharing!

  20. Post Number 20.............
    Favorite ice cream, I guess, is vanilla.....I'm pretty much a plain girl! The good thing about vanilla, is that you can "dress" it up with all sorts of goodies!
    Thanks, Lynn in Texas

  21. I guess I'm favorite is choc/vanilla twise - soft serve in a cone please!!! I really want that darn butterfly punch chuck!!!

    congrats on your blog/fs/and everything the future holds for rock girl!!

  22. I have the butterfly punch, so please don't pick me... but I just had to say that I love Ben & Jerry's phish food ice cream :-)

  23. Post #22. I love cheesecake ice cream in any flavor; just had some chocolate brownie the other night and it was so yummy!

    Gigi Escalante

  24. Wow girl, that is some FAB blog candy! Congrats on the hits!!

    Have a wonderful weekend...I know you will ;)

  25. Congrats Densie! Always enjoy your blog. Thanks for a chance at some yummy candy. :)

  26. #26
    WOWZERS!!!! What GREAT candy!!!
    My very favorite ice cream is a flavor I have not been able to find for years, Heavenly Hash, as was it ever heavenly!!!
    Thanks for being so generous Pea!!!

  27. I don't know if they make it anymore, and I try to stay away from it anyway, but I loved the Eat Your Cake (was that it?) American Idol ice cream. So good.

  28. I am a subscriber through Google Reader, so here is my second post: I'm a brand new SU! Demo and my blog is less than a month old. Any advice on how to get such sky high traffic? Congratulations!

  29. #29
    My favorite ice cream is peanut butter and chocolate from basking robbins mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmm


  30. Hi Peanutbee! I wandered over from SCS and have really enjoyed browsing your blog. I'd love to enter your blog candy drawing (and win!) ;-)
    My favorite ice cream flavor is Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia!


  31. #31 Favorite Ice Cream Flavor is Moose Tracks Fudge. But if anyone is serving ice cream, I'll have whatever they're serving. Thanks for sharing. I love your blog.

  32. #31 Hey Denise!! I think I may have told you the other day when I was commenting on your card you made Silke...that I LOVE just plain ole Turkey Hill Chocolate ice cream! Sometimes for a change I get Coffee ice cream. Both are bangin'!

    Thanks for the blog candy! The prize looks awesome!

    You rock, girl!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. #33 Hi Pea! What GREAT Blog candy! Congrats on so many visits - well deserved! Oh yeah - the icecream! Well - I can't eat chocolate so I should DEFINATELY get the candy out of pure pity! (I won't say that I don't actually like it anyway!) I don't have a sweet tooth (sweet enough heehee!), but if I do have a spoonful, I love Passionfruit Frozen Yoghurt Icecream!
    Shannah xox

  35. #35 Congratulations on your hits! My favorite ice cream flavor is Jamoca Almond Fudge from Baskin Robbins.

  36. Post #1, my favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip!!

    I really like your blog and all the beautiful cards you put on it, they are all so pretty, you are very talented!!

  37. Post #37 Denise, We just discovered "Souther Hospitality" ice cream by Blue Belle. It is out of this world. You must try it! Thanks for the blog candy. I'm your biggest fan. Mountainmom

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. # 38 - Congrats on your hits, you definitely deserve them all, you have a wonderful blog, thats why I subscribe through Google Reader, lol

    My favourite icecream is a very boring Chocolate, but then we are sadly lacking in the UK!!!!

  40. What a great blog candy!
    My favorite ice cream flavor is hard, because it depends on my mood....but,
    I'd have to say that my most often chosen flavor is peppermint....yum! Those candy chunks all throughout. mmmmm Otherwise, my fav is homemade vanilla covered in chocolate!

    barb hendrickson

  41. #40

    I like your choice of blog candy.

    My favorite ice cream is: Licorice.

    Congratulations of your blog count. I try and visit your site every day.

    Maple Grove, MN.

  42. #42 Congrats on your blog hits! That's wonderful. My favorite ice cream is chocolate chip.

  43. Congratulations! I love your blog! My favorite ice cream flavor is Sweet Cream at Cold Stone. Of course, I always mix in something with it! Jackie W.

  44. #43

    I love your blog and visit everyday! Your work is beautiful. My favorite ice cream is Breyers Heavenly Hash (but coffee comes in a close second)!

  45. #45 pretty boring I know but my favorite is mint!

  46. #46
    My favorite ice cream flavor, hmmm...lets go with orange sherbet/vanilla swirl.
    Sharon :P

  47. #47
    and since I'm a subscriber, here's my second one: I think I'll order up a lime sherbet. That sounds yummy too.

  48. #48

    My favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla bean. I know boring, but it is tried and true and yummy just by itself!

  49. #49
    My favorite ice cream flavor is black raspberry! Thanks for offering up the blog candy and congrats on your hits!

  50. I luv anything with chocolate!!
    Baskin Robins World Class Chocolate is the best. Sharri

  51. Should be #51...

    I LOVE ice cream. Really, it doesn't matter WHAT kind, but Blue Moon is my all time favorite. Mint Chocolate Chip or Mint Cookie is my second fav.

    Love your blog, Denise!! Keep up the great work!

    -Kristin (achickylala)

  52. think I am number 52... geesh oh to pick a flavor, I guess I will say, butter pecan although I like vanilla/orange sherbert swirll...

  53. I guess this is 53, I am a subscriber...I love your blog...

  54. #54 I think! wonderful blog candy Denise! congrats on your hits milestone!! my favorite icecream is Choc Chip Cookie Dough (preferably with hot fudge sauce on it!)

  55. Comment #54 Ok, this may seem unbelievable to some, but there is a ice cream out there that is licorice!!!!! It is one of my many favorites, and is hardly ever on a menu, so when I do order it from an ice cream parlor, that is the first flavor that I look for, because it is very hard to find.

  56. Well, the way the numbers are going, who knows! I think I will be #55...I'm Susan Lankford and I just love your work, Peanutbee!

  57. Oops! Still #55...forgot to say that I love Vanilla with chocolate syrup! Susan Lankford, Again!

  58. #56 Denise -you know how much I love stopping by!!! Thanks for the awesome Blog Candy - I really want that punch....!!!

    I love two flavors equally Coconut and Key Lime Pie!!! I know it's a weird flavor combo - but did I ever say I was normal - he,he,he!!!

  59. #57

    My favorite is good ol' vanilla with choc syrup. :-)

  60. I guess I'm #60, since it shows 59 comments already. My favorite ice cream is Breyer's Neopolitan. Congrats on hitting 12,000 posts.

  61. Love the blog candy, my favorite icecream flavor is chocolate. I know, boring :)

  62. Look's like I'm #62!
    My favorite ice cream is a Peanut buttercup Blizzard from Dairy Queen. Yummy!

  63. #64 I haven't met too many ice creams I don't like..well except coffee...blech! My favorite is strawberry with big fresh chunks of real strawberry!

    Lori D.

  64. #65 Congrats on 12,000 hits!! You deserve each and everyone!

    2nd posting as a subscriber and 2nd favorite ice cream flavor would be Plain ole vanilla...add some fudge, some walnuts...ahhhhh

  65. I'm 66. My favorite ice cream is chocolate.

  66. #67 Hi Denise. Congratulations! You have a great blog, so it's easy to understand why you have so many hits. My favorite ice cream is hokey pokey!
    Anne dinkuminkum at yahoo dot co dot nz

  67. I'm, not chronilogically but I'm close enough that the distinction must be made. :-) I love butter pecan and because I subscribe, I'm also....

  68. #69! Congratulations to of these days I hope to enter blog land but it must take so much time, it scares me! Second in Mud Pie..YUM!

  69. My favorite is Blue Bell's Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream. Yummy!

  70. I'm a subscriber so this is my second post, great blog candy, thanks!!!

  71. My favourite ice-cream is pretty basic - good old chocolate. Karen

  72. #73 I hope. Not sure if you'll post to the UK but here's hoping *wink* My favourite flavour is mint chocolate chip, although I'll pretty much eat anything in a pinch!! Lots of love, Denise x

  73. My favorite Ice cream is Peanut butter chocolate...or anything with peanut butter! Thanks for the opp to win such great blog candy! Deidre M

  74. Ohhhh! Pretty! My favorite ice cream flavor is Rocky Road! It has a little bit of everything. :)
    Thanks! #75

  75. #76.
    My favorite ice cream is Baskin Robbins chocolate...mmmmm
    Simone P

  76. Entry Number that a lucky number or what! Favorite ice cream is vanilla......
    Thanks for the chance to win the "candy"...looks yummy.

  77. Oh ice cream & blog candy--two of my favorite things! I think I am #78; my favorite is mint chocolate chip, but other than coconut, I don't think there is any ice cream I DON'T like!!
    Yum yum!

  78. #79
    My favorite flavor is coffee, but I love to go to Cold Stone Creamery and have them mix all sorts of stuff in!!YUmmy blog candy!

  79. Denise you've been tagged! Come to my blog to play :)


  80. I am a subscriber so here's my second entry. My second favorite ice cream is Cookies n Cream. :)

  81. #83 Congrats on all the hits!! :) You're work is wonderful and I so enjoy getting your e-mail every day.

    Thanks for the wonderful chance to win. I agree - Martha Steward butterfly punches are lovely. I've been debating which one to get for some time.

    As for favorite ice cream flavor - when I was preggers was mint chocoalte chip. Also love Jamoca Almond Fudge.

  82. #84 Subcriber second posting: Also love coffee ice cream.

  83. #85 Love your blog!

    My favorite ice cream is homemade raspberry. My dad makes it for me on July 4 (which is when we celebrate my birthday. Mmmmmmmmmmm!

  84. Post #86

    Oooooo, I LOVE icecream! My absolutely favorite flavor is peppermint with little pieces of peppermint stick in it. You have a terrific blog, I stop by daily, and really enjoy your style of stamping. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy. ej

  85. I love rocky road and chocolate brownie. Yummy!

  86. I am also a subscriber so here is my second entry. I forgot to put the number. I believe this is post #88! You are very talented and I enjoy viewing your blog daily.

  87. PRALINES & CREAM!!Love, love love it. The creamy vanilla, sweet caramel & the crunchy almonds!

  88. Congrat!!! I love your blog and glad to be part of it. Your creations give me such inspiration so keep them coming. Love the blog candy. I am a butterfly nut and also have been after some flower embellishments. As far as my favourite ice cream it would have to be Heavenly Hash!! Cheers my friend!

  89. #92. My favorite flavor is the just Rocky Road. Nothing fancy. Just love those marshmallows. Thanks for the chance to win, and congrats on the hits.
    Sandy in Utah

  90. #93 Believe it or not, my favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla... I know that's weird but I like what you can do to vanilla: add strawberries or another kind of fruit, add nuts and syrups, add just about anything! My favorite add-ins are chopped toasted almonds, coconut, and chocolate syrup = almond joy!

  91. #94 I forgot to say that I like plain vanilla, too, without add-ins. If I had to choose one flavor of ice cream for the rest of my life... it would be vanilla!

  92. 95. Congrats on all your's understandable because your blog is great full of eye candy. Thanks for offering such terrific blog candy.

    My favorite ice cream is anything Ben & Jerry's. My current flavor of the month is "Everything But The...."

  93. 95. I'm a subscriber through google reader. Love your blog.

  94. Hi Denise,
    Great Blog and designs!!!

    My favorite ice cream is chocolate chip with cookie dough. OMG its soooo good!

    Thank you for the beautiful cards and inspiration.

    Jennifer :)

  95. #98

    Congrats on hitting 12K and still ticking!!

    My favorite ice cream flavor is plain Chocolate Chip -- but I have a hard time finding it ... Mint chocolate chip is more in demand I guess.

  96. #98 I LOVE anything with chocolate in it, especially chocolate ice cream! Congrats on the visitors!

  97. Comment 100
    I am a simple girl, and I loves me some chocolate!
    Thanks for the great blog candy. you have a geat blog, that is why we keep comming back!

  98. #101


    love your blog and art,
    Thank you for the generous blog candy.

    Sarah, Israel

  99. #102

    posting a second comment since I'm a subscriber...

    I will be keeping my fingers crossed because i never won anything before... :)

    Sarah, Israel.

  100. # 103: my favorite ice cream flavor is banana!
    Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  101. #104 Hi! my favourite ice-cream is swiss chocolate, yumm. If it wasn't so chilly I'd go right now to get me one ;)

    Hugs from Chile!

  102. Ooo, what fabulous blog candy!!!
    Ice cream...none for me, milk makes my tummy it's dairy free raspberry sorbet! It's so yummy with chocolate shavings!!

  103. Congratulations on all your hits! My favorite icecream is Butter Pecan.


  104. I think that I am #105...Butter Pecan is mine too. Congrats.

    Lisa Tarry

  105. #108- My favorite flavor is good old chocolate. Yummy!

  106. #109 I love chocolate! Great blog.

  107. #110
    I love Strawberry Ice Cream!!! that is my favorite and my best (that is my DD favorite quote, LOL)

    Congratulations on your 12,000 hits!!

    God bless

  108. #111
    Congrats Denise!!
    This time of year I love vanilla soft serve from the local car hop!

  109. #112.... Moose Tracks! Love it!

  110. #113 Oh Please pick me!!! lol...I want this Martha punch SOOO's on my wish list. Thanks so much for the chance to win. My favorite icecream is rocky road..yumm yummm

    kim3timemom@yahoo dot com

  111. #112
    Congrats on all the go girl!! 'Love your cards...and I'm really lovin' this sweet blog candy! Thanks for this chance to win!
    My favorite ice cream is Burgundy Cherry...yummm!!
    ~Brenda H.

  112. #115 (according to your comment count)

    My favorite ice cream: rocky road!

    YUMMY candy, too! I have my fingers crossed hoping I win!

  113. #116?
    My favorite is chocolate chip mint! I really want that Martha Stewart butterfly punch!! Oh,I hope I win! Thanks for the chance.

  114. #117

    I actually don't really like ice cream but if I had to choose I would say "strawberry cheesecake" flavour!

    Great give-away Denise!

  115. #118
    Sneakers ice cream, gooey carmel, nuts, chocolate bits too in vanilla ice cream.

    not as good as the blog candy!

  116. #119 Congrats on all the hits! That's awesome!! My favorite ice cream flavor is coffee.

    Kerry Morgan

  117. #120. My Favourite ice cream is Moose Tracks. When we go camping this is the one I always get.
    Sherri Pilon

  118. #121 The most awesomest ice cream I ever had was lemon pie. It was vanilla with *chunks* of lemon pie in it. Heavenly!!!

  119. #122 -- favorite has to be good old chocolate chip from 31 flavors...just the right amount of vanilla and chocolate. congrats on the hits and thanks for the chance to win!

  120. My fav ice cream is mint chocolate chip (green kind--like from Friendly --you should know that place living in Pa!)...your blog is amazing Denise! Congrats to you!

  121. #124 - My second post as one of your subscribers. Jamoca Almond Fudge is my favorite ice cream flavor. Congrats again!

  122. #125 - My fave ice cream flavor is Pralines and Cream! Yummy!!! Thanks for the chance!

    bunnybox9 at gmail . com

  123. #126 - I subscribe to your feed via reader. I love ice cream! Esp Baskin Robbins :)

    bunnybox9 at gmail . com

  124. My favorite ice cream is: Chocolate Peanut Butter! Congrats on the hits and thanks for the chance to win!

  125. 128 My favourite ice-cream is Maple that ice-cream!

  126. #129 Thanks for the wonderful blog candy! Love that butterfly punch ;-) Congrats on all your success! KT in San Jose

  127. #129 Oh dear - I got so excited about your blog candy, I forgot to say my favorite ice cream flav: Choc. Chip Mint - YUM! Kt in San Jose

  128. #130
    Personally I'm a vanilla person. I don't really like flavored Ice cream unless it's a swirl cone with chocolate and vanilla.

  129. #132 I believe...

    Wow, what a nice blog candy package! Looks like your Nascar trip was tons of fun! It's a toss up between coffee and butter pecan...mmmm, I wish I had some right now! Congrats on the mega hits! Keep up the fantastic work!

  130. I believe I am post number 133. That sounds like a lucky number. Hmmm my all time favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone of course..

    I am always amazed at the number of comments on a blog. Wow. This is awesome. But I think that you are an awesome landscaper. Thanks for sharing. Now off to eat some yummy ice cream....
    Dawn B.
    scs Flowergal36

  131. #134

    Great blog candy.

    My favorite ice cream is any flavor of homemade. If I have to choose it would be peach.

  132. #134

    It is late and I forgot to leave a name to the post saying I like all homemade ice creams but favorite would be peach.
    Sorry about that.
