
Sunday, June 8, 2008

More Fresh Cuts ...and my talented daughter

Hi all! Hope you're enjoying your Sunday morning!

When I saw the inspiration piece that Steph chose for yesterday's inspiration challenge on SCS, I couldn't wait to play. I combined it with Taylor's Sketch Challenge TECC19.

I love all the soft colors in the room. There were three different angles of the room to choose from. I chose this piece for the colors of blue, white, green and yellow; the yellow flowers against the white headboard; and the silver accents.

Here's my card from that inspiration piece. I cut a piece of Bashful Blue to 7.5" x 9.25" and folded in half. This fits nicely in a standard #10 envelope. The entire white panel on the Bashful Blue base is up on dimensionals, the green nestabilities circle is up on a second layer, and then the white Fresh Cuts circle is up on a third. It's a pretty *puffy* card...but I love dimensionals! Don't you?

Recipe ~
Stamps: SU Fresh Cuts, SU Warmest Regards
Paper: Bashful Blue, Whisper White, Certainly Celery
Ink: So Saffron, Certainly Celery
Accessories: White Satin Ribbon, Silver Brads, Circle and Scallop Circle Nestabilities, Dimensionals

I'd also like to share something that DD#1 drew late last night.

She pulled up this photo of DD#2 (awwwww!) and sketched it!!...has she got talent or what?!?! I sooooo wish I could draw like she can (thank God for stamps!!). I asked her to do a sketch of herself next so I can frame both sketches and hang them in our living room.

Love it, Peanut!! I'm so proud of you!!

My DH went to the Pocono race with his buddies today, so I think us girls are going to go out for lunch...maybe Olive Garden or something like that. It's supposed to go up to 95 degrees who wants to cook!

Enjoy your day. I'm hoping to get to the Featured Stamper Challenge later today as well.


  1. Your daughter is so talented. What a great job!!! I love your card.

  2. Denise, your card is gorgeous! I love dimension too ;)

    Oh my word, your daughter is fabulously talented! Amazing! Does she do this for a living or is it a hobby?

    Have a great day with the girls! I'll be watching the race and stamping!

  3. WOW WOW WOW!!!! Your card is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! And the drawing talent of DD1 is incredible!!!! Yes you are right, thank goodness for stamps!!! I cannot even draw a stick figure!!!
    Have a GREAT day with the girls!!

  4. Your daughter is incredibly talented. How old is she? She should start designing her own line of stamps. If she sketches a portrait of herself you've got to post it. Also, I love your beautiful card, heck, I LOVE your blog. I can see where your daughter gets her creative talent from.

  5. Oh WOWie, Denise your card is gorgeous!!!! :)Love everything about it!
    Your little one is so cute (she looks like you)! Your older daughter is a fabulous artist! Maybe she should go into some kind of art works instead of dog grooming. She is awesome!
    Hope hubby has a great day at Pocono. I bet he'll be sweating his you know what off today! LOL You & the girls have fun!

    Happy Sunday!

  6. OMG Denise that is amazing. She is very talented. Is she persuing art? She should submit some of her work to a few of the stamp companies. They're always looking for new talent. The drawing she did on your sidebar is gorgeous. Love the colors and your card. :)

  7. Oh my goodness, I am floored! What talent your daughter has....I bet she did get it from you!!! Your card is very sweet....I am still trying to come up with one for my stamp club. I like that this is a different size.

  8. Wow what talent both of yu have, TFS.

  9. Gorgeous card - Denise!!! Love how you've used the Fresh Cuts Set!!! Your card looks so elegant too!!!

    Tell DD#1 she is super talented!!!
    Love her drawing!!!

    DD#2 is tinkin' cute!!! Miriam and her would have so much fun!!!

  10. I stared at the bedroom............then I stared at your card.......... Lordy, they both are so peaceful!!

  11. I love your's elegant like that inspiration room! And yes....your DD#1 is very very talented. I'm in awe of people who can draw. Beautiful. I hope she does one of herself for you!!!

  12. WOW!! DD#1 is so very talented, can't wait to see the one she does of herself! Your card is awesome too! Talent runs in the family!!!

  13. Beautiful card Pea!
    W O W ! Your daughter ROCKS!

  14. WOWWW, first, your card is absolutely pretty; second, your DD1is super talented!!!
    Well, having a great and talented mom, great and talented daughter.

    Have a blessed day!!

  15. Oh my goodness - that girl has talent! I wish I could draw like that too! I'm crafty but not "draw-y"!! That is a perfect likeness - what a wonderful set you will have - can't wait to see her self portrait!

  16. Oh- and I love your card - the long shape and wonderful soft colors and layers of circles over/under the ribbon - super design!!

  17. You did a FAB job with that inspiration piece!! Your card is gorgeous, Denise!!

    Your daughter is sooo talented as well!! Wow!!! TFS

  18. super lovely card !!!!!looks so soft and pretty..
    and your daughter is so talented, denise !!!!great sketch

  19. Your card is gorgeous, but your daughter is over the top PHENOMENAL!!! How old is she??? Just amazing!!

  20. Beautiful card and you have a very tallented daughter as well. Love your Blog and as a result I am nominating you for the Arte y Pico award from 9sorry i don't know how to make this a link when I leave a comment)

  21. Your darling daughter #1 is a fabulous artist Denise, you SHOULD be very proud of her, and how adorable is darling daughter #2!! Oh my goodness, I could just snatch her up!!!
