
Thursday, July 17, 2008


OMG, I'm sorry! I know, I know...I've been a bad blogger and haven't uploaded a card since Sunday. Yikes!

Where have I been?? Right here, trying to make cards, but I'm just not having any luck. Seriously, there are so many cool and fun challenges going on right now....but every card I've tried to make has ended up in the trash. I don't know, maybe I left my mojo at the Jersey shore??

I can, however, share cards that I received from two awesome ladies! Check out these adorable cards!...

The first is from my sweet friend, LeAnne (LeAnne Pugliese).

Thanks, LeAnne, for sending me this adorable card! Love the way you colored the main image....beautiul sand and clouds...and nice inside stamping!!

The next is from the awesome, Jenn Balcer...our super sweet DD leader!

Seriously, Jenn, we love you! You're the best! You take such good care of us back on the DT thread...and now you sent a card too. Thank you!! Love the bling on the fan and that fun orange cute!

That's it for today. I wanted to at least check in and let you know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth or forgotten about the blog...just haven't been able to come up with anything crafty. Maybe tomorrow I'll have something crafty to share??



  1. I totally know what you mean!!!! Every card I have made this week I have had to force, unfortunately I had deadlines so I had to stamp. I hate that too, because I feel like I don't do my best work..maybe our mojo's are on vacation together...

  2. Hee hee happens to me more than i care to say. It's scary but your mojo will come back and it will be bigger and better than ever.

  3. Gosh... well I'll be praying for that mojo to kick in, in the meantime, relax! Gee whiz, look at all of the super-cool stuff your made for the FanClub gallery, maybe your mojo just needed a break.
    I just hate it when I feel that way.... and Cindy H is right.. can't wait to see what even more fabulous stuff you make when it returns!

  4. OK....same here! Just can't seem to stamp a decent thing this week! ;)

  5. it happens to all of us!!! i think mojos need vacation too - LOL!

    These cards are fabulous!


  6. Your mojo's probably just exhausted and needs a vacation! In the meantime, CASE!!!! Seriously, that's what I do so often, especially when I have SU! classes I'm prepping. In fact, I'm working on a punch class, and it was moving at a snail's, I have four out of the five cards done now, all CASED in some way or another. :-) Don't worry, Stella will get her groove back!

  7. I do know what you mean about the mojo...I did not like my Tuesday card much but then Wed and today I liked them. Funny how that happens. You are a wonderful stamper and I know that in no time you will be making those awesome cards again. Sending hugs your way (())

  8. Thanks for sharing your fab RAK's, Denise!!

    You're such an amazing designer, and I'm sure your mojo will return very soon. Hugs!!

  9. It's vacation time, your mojo is just resting. It'll come back! :D

  10. LOL girl! I was thinking the same thing yesterday about myself. I think we just get overwhelmed with things and need a little itty bitty break. Your mojo will reappear with a vengence...not to worry!

    LOVE your RAKS!! So pretty!!

  11. Oh my gosh Denise, that TOTALLY happens to me too!!! I hate it but you know it will pass..... Maybe you need to go back to the beach!!!

  12. No worries, it will come back bigger and better than ever. Maybe you need to catch a NASCAR race on TV to get you charged up and going again :D

    For what it's worth, I have this struggle more days than not as I am not gifted with creative genes -- athletics, no problem, but creative genes are seriously lacking in this girl! Quite often it's a long process for me to make a card as things very rarely pop into my head, but I love the challenge and being able to come up with something I can say I made myself. DH says I need to take up a sport again as competing against paper is a bit off the deep end. So I say, "well, you compete against a little white ball" - LOL :D

    Don't stress out about posting, enjoy a few days off and we'll still be here waiting to see what you come up with :)

  13. I feel this way ALOT!! LOL!

    I gave you an award on my blog...I'm sure you've already rec'd it, but you're gettin' it again!! LOL!!!
