
Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Turtle

Helloooooo everybody!! Sorry I've been MIA...we've been at the pool a lot this week. Get this, remember I said my 3-year-old was learning how to do cannonballs earlier in the week? Well, on Wednesday, she wanted to jump off the diving board into the deep end. I thought for sure she'd get up there and chicken out...nope, 45 minutes of non-stop jumping in the pool! It was awesome!!...totally wore her out too (that's a GOOOOD thing!). Don't worry...I was right there next to the board reminding her to jump out from the board and making sure her arm floaties were good and tight each time. What a fish, LOL!!

Okay, so today I wanted to do the Limited Supplies Challenge on SCS, which was to make a "happy card"....just something that would make someone smile. I thought this smiling turtle would be a good stamp for today's card. He makes me smile! I followed Wednesday's Sketch Challenge for the layout. Love this sketch!

I pierced holes around all the panels with my piercing tool and mat pack template, and then faux stitched with a Chocolate Chip SU marker. The turtle was stamped twice in Versafine Black Onyx, both images were watercolored with reinkers, and then I cut out the second turtle and popped it up on dimensionals over the first one. My mom asked for a bunch of sentiment-free note this is another one for her. I lightly (and I mean really may not show up in the pic) sponged some grass and a blue sky around the turtle.

Recipe ~
Stamps: Great Impressions E526 Turtle
Paper: Chocolate Chip, White, Afternoon Tea DP
Ink: Versafine Black Onyx, Purely Pomegranate, Wild Wasabi, River Rock, Soft Sky
Accessories: Piercing Tool & Mat Pack, Dimensionals, Pomegranate Double-Stitched Ribbon, Hodgepodge Hardware
Technique: Watercoloring with Reinkers, Faux Stitching

...and I just HAVE to share this card with you. My friend Lori (LMcAree) sent me this little cutie.

Back in May, Lori, Janice (catcrazy), and I went to a stamp show in Ocean City, Maryland. Wanna know what Lori wrote on the inside of the card? She said that when she saw this image, she had to get it because it reminded her of our great time in OC. She's right, that's us sitting in our hotel room gabbing! hehe!

Thanks, Lori! You made me smile!

That's it for today! Hope your Friday is a good one!


  1. Lovely card. I'm going to put this turtle image on my wish list. Your coloring is wonderful. And thanks for posting Lori's card. I missed this image in the Kindred Spirits and want to order it now.

  2. Mwah my friend!!! Had such a super time!!

  3. Denise, this is darling! Love the pop of the pomegranate ribbon!

  4. Wow. I usually don't like the cutsey pootsie cards cuz, well, they're usually so sweet they make my teeth itch. But THIS card, THIS card, I LOVE!!!

  5. Oh Denise...that little guy is just precious!! You nailed the *happy card* requirement!! This card will definitely illicit a huge smile from the receiver!! DARLING!!!

  6. This card would make me happy too -LOL!!! The turtle is super adorable!!! Love how you have combined it with the Sketch - it looks awesome!!!

  7. What a happy turtle! Daniel's fav animal at the zoo was the turtles!! Love that little card by Lori too. Awhhhhh, I want to come next time :-)

    Oh, and hand pierced that whole thing? Good grief, that's some work. Looks FAB tho! Hugs,michelle

  8. this turtle is adorable. i love the faux stitching too!!

  9. Loved this little guy on SCS and loving him again here!!

    Had to laugh about your DD's cannonball adventures. My 7 year old son has two speeds - GO and sleep, so I'm always looking for ways to burn him out! Swimming is a great one! We spent 2.5 hours in a wave pool with some water slides and it was nonstop action! We had a blast and our whole family was very low key the next day :)

  10. Adorable Turtle card! He is so cute. TFS

  11. Your card is just too cute Denise! I love the turtle image! It made me smile! Great rak too! We've been enjoying the pool here too! 4 hours on Friday!LOL!

  12. I really love this card! That turtle is adorable and the three panels are such a great design element! Love the ribbon thru the hardware too!

  13. Your turtle card is adorable, and I love all of your dimension!! Wonderful!!

  14. Awesome Card, Denise. Thank You for the Inspiration!
