
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Long Time Friend (color challenge)

Hi everyone! It's raining like crazy here in PA today....reason for the indoor pic with the OTT light. Yes, I actually have one of those. I just prefer to take my pics outside...well, when the weather is cooperating that is, LOL!

Thank you all for your comments, kind words, and suggestions for my blog. Sounds like a lot of you like the detailed recipes, regular posts, outdoor photos, and you like that I decorate the inside of my cards. As far as suggestions, it sounds like a few of you would like to see me update my banner and maybe add some tutorials. Any suggestions as to what kind of tutorials?? Oh, and Alberta suggested that I color a stamped image (like a garden) and use that for a banner. Any suggestions on a cool garden stamp??

Quick note to Marilyn...I don't own ANY fun flock. I know, GASP!, right? Who doesn't own fun flock?? Well, me, LOL!

Quick note to tutorials??...Oye! I'd have to give that a LOT of thought because I think I'd be too nervous to do it, LOL!

Okay, so onto today's card for Emily's color challenge (going gray, riding hood red, and green galore). It's a regular 5.5" x 4.25" card. I ran the left edge of the white panel through the Cuttlebug with my new Just My Type embossing folder. I thought the embossed flowers sorta matched the flowers in the main image. I got the gorgeous Long Time Friend images from my friends Lori (LMcAree) and Janette (blessingsx3). Thanks girls!! The images were colored with Prisma pencils and then blended with Gamsol. The Red Scallop Rectangle behind the main image is up on dimensionals. The dew drops are from my friend Silke (sparklegirl) and they're glued down with a small drop of Crystal Effects. Thanks Silke!!

Inside of the Card: Going Gray panel, white panel with the Long Time Friend flowers along the left edge, and then a thin strip of Green Galore to the right of the flowers.

Stamps: SU Long Time Friend, SU Short & Sweet
Paper: Textured and Plain Riding Hood Red, Textured Green Galore, Textured Going Gray, White
Ink: Versafine Black Onyx
Accessories: Dew Drops, Crystal Effects, Dimensionals, Prisma Pencils and Gamsol, Rectangle and Scallop Rectangle Nestabilities, Just My Type Embossing Folder, Riding Hood Red Tafetta Ribbon
Technique: Gamsol Magic, Dry Embossing

That's it for today. Gotta get ready to take the dog to the grooming shop...he's NEEDS a bath so bad!! Don't forget to stop back tomorrow to see who won the blog candy.


  1. GORGEOUS!!! Love your take on today's CC - the white really makes the colors pop!!! The embossed BG looks beautiful plus your coloring is fabulous!!!!

  2. A wonderful card. I love the colors and your layout. Perfect for this stamp. Your work is always so inspiring.

  3. Beautiful card!!! Love how you coloured the image!!

  4. marvelous darling!! :) Love the inside of this one with the splash of green - and the embossing is awesome!! And, hey...I didn't even know what fun flock was until I read this...had to google it. I'm always learnin'!
    hugs, Jami

  5. No fun flock here either, Denise!

    Your card is just beautiful!

  6. Wow Denise!! Your coloring is fabulous!! And I love your layout and dew drops!! Gorgeous!! This is one of my favorite sets and I haven't used it for too long of a time!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  7. Girl, you are so talented. I LOVE your coloring! This is a gorgeous card!
    Hugs and smiles

  8. This is gorgeous, and I really didn't care for this color combo so that is saying alot!!

  9. Denise your coloring is absolute perfection. WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! LOVE this card!

  10. What a beautiful card, Denise! I really love the images you used..I have the set and it's collecting dust! LOL Your coloring is awesome just like the rest of your card. Nice job on the challenge! :)

    Hope your enjoying today! It's gorgeous! Hugs~

    PS. I don't own any flock either!

  11. This is gorgeous, and your coloring is so beautiful, Denise!!

  12. Just beautiful! Your colouring always amazes me.

  13. Quick note to tutorials??...Oye! I'd have to give that a LOT of thought because I think I'd be too nervous to do it, LOL!
    aw come on,, you can do it :)
