
Monday, January 12, 2009

Back from Orlando!

Hi everyone, I'm back from Orlando!! I had SUCH a great time! The weather was so nice, sunny and warm. It was in the mid to upper 70's pretty much every day!!

As you know, I spent the weekend with my friend Silke. She and I have been emailing each other practically every day for almost a year and we finally got to meet! What a sparkly personality (her screen name really fits her)! Love ya, Silke!! I had a BLAST with you this weekend!

What I hadn't mentioned in my other posts, because I didn't want to jinx anything, is that we were also meeting up with some other stamping friends...Deb Felts (incredibly sweet!) and her upline Kathy (oh my word, what a hoot! of those people with a contagious laugh), Silke's friend Penny (totally fun to hang out, a real sweetheart), AND....I finally got to meet one of my fellow dirty girls, someone I totally admire, Jerri Jimenez! As soon as I knew Silke and I were registered for the seminar, I emailed Jerri to see if she'd be free to meet up with us for dinner one night. I was SOOOOO excited when she said yes! She's every bit the sweetheart I knew she'd be! Love ya, Jerri!!

Here's a picture of me and Silke at Regionals:

Here's a picture of all of us at our table. Standing from left to right in the back is me, Silke, and Penny. Sitting from left to right in the front are Kathy and Deb.

The next picture is when we went out to dinner on Saturday night to Don Pablos to meet up with Jerri. Standing from left to right in the back are Deb, Penny and Kathy. Sitting in the front from left to right is Jerri, Silke and me.

Guess who else I saw at Regionals?? friend and upline Carol (from PA!) and my up-upline Tina. I had no idea they were going to be there, it was a total surprise!! I was at the registration table getting my project packet and when I looked to my left, there they were registering at the same time!! Hehe! Here's a picture of all of us. Carol is on the left and Tina is on the right.

Here's a picture of Penny in a dreamy handbag and shoe store. I love this picture of her!

On Sunday, Silke and I went to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. No, I didn't get her on a roller coaster, BUT, we did go on the Jurassic Park water ride and it had a HUGE drop. We got totally soaked! It was funny how we watched other people come down that big hill and they didn't seem "that" wet....and yet when we went down, we got SOAKED! LOL! Anyway, here's a cute picture of Silke in front of the Spiderman ride.

...and here's a silly picture of me with Scooby and Shaggy. I couldn't help it, I had to get a picture with them...I love Scooby Doo!

So, now I'm back in PA and I've got a ton of work to do...back to reality, huh?

Have a great day and thanks for visiting!!


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful trip, Denise! Isn't it so much fun to get together with gals who share your passion? I wish you were coming to CHA!!! I can't wait to meet one of these days in person. Big, big hugs to you, girlie. Glad you had fun!

  2. Sounds like you had a blast. It's so cool you got to meet up with so many people in person ... that's always so exciting.

  3. Oh my goodness....what fun! You girls are all smiling so big in all those pictures, I can tell you were enjoying yourselves!
    Hope someday that we can meet in person too...I'm betting on it! Maybe at a Nascar race girl!!! yeah!~

  4. Well I can SEE how much fun you had! LOL! I am so glad that you shared the pics with us and some of the deets! It's got to be fun to meet people in person that you have known through your blog!

  5. Sounds like you had a blast and in Orlando of all places...does it get any better than that? I am jealous for sure! Welcome back!

  6. Denise, it was the best weekend ever, and I loved every second of it and will wanna do it again! I hope to see you sometime soon!

    Thanks so much for sharing your pictures!

  7. I sooo wish I could have been there with you guys, what a blast!! I'm glad that you guys got to go hang out and play in the sun :)

  8. Sounds like you had a Great time!!! Wish you brought that warm weather back with ya!!:)

  9. Oh how fun! I am so glad that you had a wonderful time and met some new friends too! Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  10. Hey Denise!!! I already miss you
    :(.....!!! I did have a blast and we need to do this soon again!!!
    The pictured did turn out awesome and captured the fun time we had!!!

    Hugs ~Silke~

  11. What great fun, Denise!! I love all of your pictures...especially the one with you, Scooby, and Shaggy!! ;) Happy to hear you had such a great time!!

  12. Oh, it looks like you had soooo much fun, I'm so green with envy! And meeting Scooby to boot ~~~ that's the cherry on the sundae!!

  13. Hi Denise,
    It was such a pleasure seeing you in Orlando. Wish we had more time together there. You are one awesome stamper!!
    Tina R

  14. oh my goodness--what awesome fun that you got to see so many friends! Sounds liek a great trip!

    Hope to meet you too one day--maybe on one of my long PA trips in the summer!

  15. Looks like SO much fun!!! Glad you had a wonderful time!!!! :)

  16. Loved seeing all your fabulous pics....thanks for sharing them with us! I bet you ladies had the time of your lives!
    Awesome pic with Shaggy & Scooby! :)


  17. so glad you guys had a great time!! Love the pic of you w/Shaggy and Scooby Doo!!LOL!

  18. Oh my gosh it looks like you guys had sooooo much fun!!! I love that pic of you and Scooby!!
    hugs, Jami

  19. Oh Denise!!! It looks like you had the most fantastic time!! How fun meeting all those fun and sweet girls!! I loved your fun photos. Thanks so much for sharing your treasured moments!! Like Carole said...wish you were going to be at CHA...*sniff*

  20. Denise, it was a hoot girl, I'm so glad you called and we were able to meet up for dinner. {{{hugs}}}

  21. OMG, Denise...what fabulous pictures...I am soo glad you got to meet all those wonderful ladies!!! I met Jerri Kay at CHA last summer... what a sweetie!!! Maybe someday we can have a DDA get together...what fun would that be!!!

  22. Fun pictures Denise!!! It looks like you guys had an awesome time!!! Good for you!!!
