
Monday, February 2, 2009

That didn't go well...

So remember yesterday I said I was going tubing? Well, at about 4:00 on one of our last runs, I had an accident. We were "spun" a little too hard when we left the top of the hill, I fell out of the tube, my arm got caught in the rope that runs around it, and I was dragged down the hill behind the tube. Very scary ride! I'm OKAY...nothing is broken or anything. I'm just sore, bruised, and my face is cut and swollen. I look like I got in a bar fight....and lost! Not pretty at all.

So anyhoo, I'm going to take a little blogging break and won't be posting for a few days. Time to rest the old bod.....and no more tubing for me....ever!



  1. See, that's what happens when you try to act like a 25 year old!!! LOL!!! You should know better and just sit in your new stamp room where it is SAFE! Glad you are OK Denise, rest up and take care!!!

  2. You HAVE to stop trying to keep up with the "kids", girl. Of course it had to happen on the last run, right. So sorry to hear you are banged up, but thankful it wasn't any worse. Go rest those weary bones!

  3. Denise, so sorry to read that you got hurt tubing, so glad you didn't break any bones. Take care, heal quickly, and we'll see your work again soon!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your dreadful tubing accident. We'll miss you while you're convalescing and do send our best wishes for a full and quick recovery.

  5. Aww Denise, what a way to end your day of tubing fun! I'm sorry you got so banged up, but it could have been much worse! Get some rest and get well soon!

  6. OH NO!!! And here I was hoping you had a ton of fun!! Get some rest and I hope you feel better!!

  7. {{{Denise}}} You know I'm feelin' for ya girl...take care of yourself and rest up~

  8. Denise:
    Take a rest from your X-game attempts. Rest and heal! So glad you weren't seriously injured but just the same, take it seriously!

  9. Oh NO!!! ((((HUGS)), gentle ones, Denise!! Take care of yourself!!!!

  10. Oh no, Denise! Hope you're feeling better soon!

  11. OMG Denise!! That's terrible!!! Holy Cow, I hope you feel better soon!! Rest up!

  12. I really hope you feel better soon, I am glad you didn't break anything while tubing!

  13. I really hope you feel better soon, I am glad you didn't break anything while tubing!

  14. Ooooooooh noooooooooo! (That was in a Mr. Bill voice.)

    Hope you have a speedy recovery!

  15. Oh, no... So sorry to hear that it's happened... But the good thing that you don't have anything broken!
    Denise, have a rest and take care!

  16. WOW Denise! BIG HUGS for a quick recovery!!!!

    OH, and of course it happened on the LAST RUN! You wouldn't do it again, after that! HAHA!

    I really hope you are okay! And, well, to always find the positive in things.... if you scrapbook, you could take a picture or two of your tubing battle scars!

    HOPE YOU GET BETTER FAST and am glad you didn't get hurt worse! XOXNICOLEXOX

  17. oh how terrible!!! I'm so sorry, hope your next "bar fight" goes better ;)
    get well soon!!!!!

  18. Oh now didn't you listen when we told you to have FUN but be Careful???
    Now go buy that set from FriecrackerDesigns that is the little duck and it says, "Feel Quappy", cause I am sure you do!
    Huggies PeanutBee, feel bedda soon!

  19. Oh my goodness, Denise! I hope you are feeling better soon. Rest up and take care of yourself!

  20. Oh Denise...I'm so sorry to hear of your accident! Get your rest and feel better soon!! Hugs!!!

  21. Holy cow, Denise! You rest up and take care of yourself! Thank goodness you didn't break any bones!

  22. Well - I'm sending you even more hugs now!!!

    Keep icing it down and relax!!!


  23. Ohhh so sorry to hear about your little accident :( At least no broken bones thankfully, take it easy. Look forward to your return :)
    Hugs Sonia x

  24. Uh, oh! Take care of yourself! Glad nothing was broken!

  25. I'm so sorry to hear about your mishap. I hope you heal quickly!!

  26. oh my gosh girl.....feel better. Thank goodness you didnt break anything but sounds painful...

  27. Oh no, Denise! That's a lot of ouch!!
    I'm glad you are OK, though. Hope you feel better soon. Take care, girlfriend.

  28. You take care of yourself now Denise! Can't have one of my fav cardmakers out of action for too long! Just take it easy and get lots of rest.
    xx :0)

  29. OH NOOOOOO! Hope you heal fast--sorry, I am just chuckling here--I tried to skate one time using my daughter's roller blades. I did fine until I thought I was really cool and tried to go backwards....ouch! Yours was for fun...mine was just stupidity!!! LOL!

  30. Yikes! I am glad you are ok! But you should tell people it WAS a bar fight and the other woman should look so good ;-)

    Or else you really were in a bar and you are using the old "tubing with the kids" story as a coverup...

  31. Oh Denise I'm so sorry!! Sounds very scarey! I'm glad you're ok :)

  32. I *knew* there was a reason that I didn't go sledding this winter!!! I hope you feel better soon!!!!

  33. Oh, Denise, that's terrible!! I am so sorry.....get yourself all healed up so you can sit in your nice, safe stamp room!!

  34. Take care of yourself...just glad nothing was broken!

  35. OMGosh!!! How horrific! I hope you are feeling better soon - take care.

  36. (((hugs))) So glad nothing was broke! Take care!

  37. Oh my gosh....How scary!! Totally sounds like something I would do! Sending big hugs....and hope you recover quickly!!

  38. So sorry, but glad your injuries were minor. Reminds me of the time I tried to play field hockey with my daughter and her friends. Got hit in the ankle with the ball (that thing is hard!) and it swelled up like a balloon. Stamping can be dangerous too--I fell over in my chair one day because I leaned back too far to grab something off the shelf! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  39. Oh my gosh... thank goodness you didn't break anything. Rest up and take care of yourself.

  40. Hope you feel better! Can you still stamp? Take care of yourself and rest!

  41. So glad you weren't seriously hurt. Feel better soon! :-)

  42. Oh my goodness; how scary! So glad you are not seriously injured - take it easy!!

  43. So sorry about your tubing accident. Get some rest and relaxation in a nice warm bubble bath. It is great for relieving body aches.

  44. Yikes Denise...that sounds awful! Glad to hear you're not hurt badly although it sound pretty rough anyway! Rest up girlie...we'll be waiting with baited breathe for your next masterpiece to appear!

  45. Oh my!! Hope you recover quickly, Denise. Shame your day ended that way. Hopefully you won't give it up totally - just give yourself some down time and you never know, you may be back up there doing it again some time!

  46. Sounds like one ride too many! That's about the time I quit body surfing.

  47. I FEEL for you. I had a similar experience when I was in college. Everyone was tubing down a very BIG hill behind one of the dormitories and my roommate and I thought it looked liked fun. We trekked up the hill, waited in line to take our place on the tube then began our descent. Half way down we realized that someone had built a snow bump! The inner tube when up and out from under us and we went up and then down with a thud! THAT was the last time I went tubing too!!!!!

  48. I am so sorry to hear you got hurt. Take Care of yourself!!! Hope you recover quickly!!

  49. Know that in my head right now I'm stamping a 'get well' card that has an icing-less donut and a tumbling snowball somewhere on the panel:->

    Seriously though, I'm glad you're all right and I hope the soreness goes away quickly. Take care of yourself and make it back to blogging in good health.

  50. Denise, I am glad to here yu are not going far, your work is ALWAYS amazing and INSPIRING to me....I am so glad to here you are ok from your wild adventure....take care and can't wait to see what you come up with next. hugs to you! *~*

  51. Oh no, roomie! Rest and heal up, girlfriend. (((Denise!)))

  52. So sorry to hear about your accident, now that's why i don't go tubing, i'm lucky i even go sledding sometimes. We're not as young as we used to be!!!

  53. Im not laughing *AT* you Denise Im laughing *with* you b/c thats sound exactly like something that would happen to me!!LOL!!! Feel better!

  54. all I can say is ouch Hope you feel better soon

  55. Oh my gosh, girl! I'm glad your alright! Take it easy and I hope your bumps & bruises heal in no time! Hang in there!


  56. Oh no, how horrible. Glad to hear nothing is broken. I hope you feel better soon!

  57. OH MY GOODNESS! I'm so sorry! Glad to hear nothing is broken. Lots of ibuprofin okay???
