
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

40,000+ ! !

Holy smokes, that little counter just turned past 40,000 hits! Oh my word! Thank you all sooooo much for visiting me and my humble blog. I'm smiling ear to ear right now because of you. {{big hugs}} Looks like I need to do some shopping for some BLOG CANDY!! Look for a post by the end of the week, okay?

I won't have anything crafty to show you today because I'm diligently working on my first swap with the Great Swaps Girls and I want to get that done and mailed out. Once all the swaps are done and swapped out by the mods, I'll be sure to post a pic here so you can see. I think these are my first Stampin' Up Only cards that I've EVER made....I think? sure to check back tomorrow though because I'll have a Halloween project to show you that I hope you'll like. It's something different...not a card!

Hope to see you all tomorrow!


  1. Woo Hoo - 40k hits!!! That's awesome, but no surprise. I just love your beautiful creations, and always enjoy visiting your blog!

    Have fun with your swap... lookin' forward to seeing your Halloween project!!

    hugs, Jami

  2. Congrats on all those hits! I know I made many myself!

  3. ongrats on 40K!!! It's always a pleasure to drop in!

  4. Congratulations, Denise! You are so very talented and I can certainly see why Taylor chose you! I'm also doing a swap for GSG2, and I didn't realize what a challenge it was for me to create a project ONLY using SU! I've gotten spoiled to just grabbing any stamp in my room.

    I look forward to seeing all the cool stuff you will creat with Taylor's 'sweet' supplies!

  5. CONGRATS on the hits! I am not surprised though... I am probably about 2/3 of those hits, since I visit like thirty-nine-dozen times a day! HA HA! HUGS!
