
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pics from the Jersey Shore

Hey all! We were in Wildwood, New Jersey the past four days...just thought I'd share some beach photos!

We got there pretty late in the afternoon on Saturday, so that night we just went out for dinner and then headed up to the boardwalk for a while. We got tired pretty early from the long day of driving. On Sunday I went for a long walk/jog on the boardwalk while everyone was still sleeping, we grabbed some breakfast, headed to the beach for a couple hours where my DH and 4-year-old made a sand castle, came back and hung out by the hotel pool the rest of the afternoon, and headed back to the boardwalk that night for some pizza and rides on the piers.

On Monday I took my daughter to the waterpark in the a.m. while DH went on a 6-mile (wowie, huh?!) hike, then we hung by the pool again for the rest of the afternoon. That night we ate out at a seafood restaurant by the Marina...I just love watching the boats coming in and going out right by where we're eating...such a relaxing atmosphere. After dinner we decided to take a drive over to Cape May and see the lighthouse. We hiked up the 271 steps to the top, what a beautiful view from up there!

Yesterday I got up at 6 a.m. and went for my last boardwalk jog, we grabbed breakfast, went up to the boardwalk again to do some shopping, and then headed home. I totally could have stayed for a couple more days. I love EVERYTHING about the beach....the salty air, the sound of the waves and seagulls, even that goofy "watch the tram car" recording (those of you that go to Wildwood KNOW what I'm talking about).

Today it was back to reality and I had my 6-week (the half-way point in my 12-week program) weigh-in and progress eval with Elaine. I was sweatin' this one, let me tell you!....I was good about exercising every day while we were on vacation and we did a lot of walking, but I wasn't good with journaling my food and I really had no idea how I did on calories. Needless to say I was "freaked out" my husband puts it....and nervous about my appointment this morning. I'm RELIEVED to report that I still lost a pound while on vacation. So, I'm down a total of 8.5 pounds AND I had all my measurements taken again...I've lost inches all around. Yippeeee!! That's JUST the motivation I needed to get through another six weeks.

Have an awesome night! I'll be back tomorrow to show you something crafty. {smile}


  1. Your vacation sounds heavenly Denise. Thanks for the great pictures! GL with the dieting. It never works for me to diet on vacation:))

  2. Gorgeous pics Denise, am so glad you shared them with nice to get to know more about you : )

    We are heading to St. Augustine beach next week, and am hoping Hurricane Bill stays away...I will have no internet access, so I will miss visiting you daily, but I will definitely when I return.

    Congrats on the weight loss, and I'm so proud of you for jogging and even losing while on vaca...that's awesome!

  3. Congrats on your amazing progress! You deserve a big ole pat on the back, well done!! TFS the pics!

  4. Oh Denise, your pics are all so wonderful! Thank you for sharing them with us. Congrats on your progress..sounds like your doing just fine!

  5. What fun family pictures. I am so glad you had a great vacation and whoo hoo on sticking to your exercise and losing all that weight!!

  6. It looks like you had so much fun!! What fun pictures!! Glad you had a great vacation!! We missed the beach this year. Boo hoo! Great job with the weight loss. I am trying too. So far sticking with it but have a ways to go.

  7. Girl you look FANTASTIC!!!! Woo hoo!!! So glad you had a great time, sure sounds wonderful!!

  8. Sounds awesome and relaxing Denise!! What beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them with us!

  9. So fun! I love Cape May, but I have to admit I have not walked up that lighthouse---Barnegat Bay, but not Cape May! You're looking fit and trim!!!! And your little girl is soooo cute!
    See you SOON!

  10. Great photos!! I can see you had a wonderful & fun family time!

    Congratulations on your weight loss!! Good luck with another 6 weeks :)

  11. You go girl! Kudos for the weight lost while on vacation...that is always tough! Great pictures too! TFS!

  12. Great pics Denise! Looks like you guys had a great time at the Shore!!! That pic of you and your DD is so sweet!

  13. ah....other than the jogging and hiking, you had MY kind of glad you enjoyed

  14. Awesome pictures Denise!!! I'm glad you all had a wonderful time at the beach!!!

    Thanks for sharing your photos with me/us!!! Hugs ~S~

  15. What great pictures of your vacation! And you look FANTASTIC girl!

  16. I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful time, Denise! Your picture are great! Congrats on you continued healthy lifestyle!!

  17. Just found your blog! It's a fun place to visit. I know exactly what you mean about the tram car, I've been to Wildwood, and to Cape May both a couple times. Love it!!! Michelle

  18. I'm glad you and your family got a chance to go to the beach...looks like you had a blast and your even lost a pound...WOW, are going to make the rest of us look real bad!!!!

  19. Way to go Denise. I think losing weight is so difficult especially on vacation. I love all the pictures. We spent some time at the beach this summer too. Keep up the great journey..
