
Thursday, October 1, 2009

I did it!!

Hey all! Remember I started that 12-week fitness program in July?? Well, on Tuesday I had my final microfit test (weigh-in, measurements, fitness test on the treadmill, etc.) with Elaine, my trainer. I haven't talked about it much here on my blog....because, well, it's a crafting blog and I didn't want to bore you with a lot of fitness babble.....BUT....I've now completed the program and with RESULTS!!

I made it to my GOAL weight...Yay! measurements are DOWN all around...Yay!...and I got an EXCELLENT reading on both the treadmill fit test and the strength test! Oh my word, I'm 40 and in "excellent shape"...according to the microfit test, that is....too cool! I have a whole new outlook on working out....I learned how to eat right to compliment my workouts, I'm running, I'm lifting weights and taking Body Pump classes...and I'm enjoying getting fit...that's the real kicker. Anyway, just wanted to share that I finished the program. {smile}

I'll be back at 11:00 EST today with a sneak peek of some new Taylored Expressions stamps! Hope to see you then!


  1. That's AWESOME Denise, am so proud of you...envious, but proud! I realllllllly need to get going with some sort of program as well!

    Body Pump Classes sound like fun, keep up the good work!!

  2. whenever I come to your blog my eyes always hit your picture and bio first...I somehow always misread the info as I AM AWESOME...and I think to myself yes you are...your cards and ideas are wonderful and I am grateful to get some great ideas. Now YOU ARE AWESOME on the health front as well. congratulations
    patti moffett

  3. A big congrats to you Denise!! You should be so proud of yourself!! Such a great accomplishment!!

  4. Congratulations!! I'm in the middle of a 16 week program, so it's very motivating to see others sucessess!

  5. Yeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaw!!! I am SO happy for you, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. That's wonderful, Denise! Congrats to you and kudos for all your hard work!

  7. Congratulations, Denise! I know it's a lot of hard work...and you did it! Now, we all need some of those tips on how to actually ENJOY it! :-)

  8. Congrats on a super accomplishment Denise!! I know how hard it is to train consistently! I'm so glad you're enjoying the results!! Now, go out and celebrate with a huge piece of cheesecake!!! LOL Just kidding!! I'm thrilled for you!!

  9. Congrats, Denise! I'm so happy for you!

  10. You go GIRL!!! 40 and fit....what could be better?????

  11. Congrats! That is very cool and so rewarding! Keep it up!

  12. Oh that is such good news! I have since quit due to other issues but trust me, exercise gets very addictive but the energy you gain is amazing! I am giving serious thought to working out and eating healthier again and this is an added incentive! You go girlfriend!!

    the PaperTemptress

  13. Congrats Denise. That is so awesome. It is so hard to do the older you get..Super job.

  14. Fabulous!!! Congratulations on your success. :-)

  15. Congratulations on a job well done! I admire your determination and goals to get fit! I know how difficult that was, and I'm really proud of you - YOU GO GIRL!!!!

  16. Way to go, my little orange buddy!!!! I am sooo proud of you...that was a lot of work but so well worth it!!!!

  17. Way to go Denise :D I didn't go the personal trainer route as I've worked out all my life, but was far from discipline for the past 3 years. Swimming laps while my kids had their swimming lessons this summer was my jump start and now I do Billy Blanks' Tae Bo and it feels great to be back in shape. Once you're there it is a lot easier to stay there too as your body wants to work out. Keep it up :D

  18. That is wonderful! Congratulations! I love to hear about others making the mark, its encouraging to others to get going. I'm proud of you!
    Pattyjo :+)

  19. Congrats, Denise!! You remind me of my cousin's wife...she just announced that she wants to get into the wellness "business", including kids wellness, & is going to start taking classes. She hopes to be doing it full time in 2 years. Maybe that's something you should look into!

  20. You rock - GF!!! I'm super proud of you!!! Hugs ~S~

  21. WOOHOO!!!!! Congrats Denise - I am SO HAPPY for you!!!! :)
