
Monday, August 2, 2010

Pics from Summer CHA

Okay, time to share all my CHA pictures!! There are pretty many so grab yourself a cup of coffee, lol!

My good friend and roomie, Lori McAree. Miss you already, girlie!...

All of us OCL girls waiting to be seated for dinner...Kendra Wiestock, Heather McNally (is this REALLY the ONLY picture I have of you Heather??...I'm sad that I didn't get more), Deb Felts, Cindy Lawrence, me, Joy Kennedy, and Lori...

Cindy and Joy again. Aren't they beautiful?! They're SUPER sweet too!...

Lori, me, and Deb. Miss ya already, sweet Deb....

Sweet Kendra (what a doll she is!) and me...

Kendra, Cindy, Lori and I with Beate Johns (ack!, pinch me, I got to meet Beate!...she's amazing!)

Barb Anders and I shopping in the PTI booth.... I love love LOVE this girl and could NOT wait to meet her....and you're just as fabulous as I knew you would be, gf!

Awwww, I not only got to hang out with Jenn Balcer but I got a cuddle from her too! Fun!...

Joanne Basile, who I got to spend time with on the Dirty Dozen.....isn't she cute as a button?!

Whoo-hooo, I got to meet Carole Burrage (so FUN, so witty...I'll always have a special place in my heart for her because we did our dirty girl stint together) and my fellow SD teammate Christina Fischer (soooo stinkin' cute!)...

My fellow SD teammate, Karen VERY sweet!

I totally geeked out when I saw that Karen Motz was at the TE booth because I've always wanted to meet her. I was on the TE team with her and she's just so much fun...

Sankari Wegman...she's such a warm and beautiful person...totally sunny, just like her screen name...

Deb, me and Lori with my old PIF-thread friend, Leslie Springer...

Lori, Jessica Diedrich (yayyyy, I finally got to meet Jess IRL...sweet, sweet, sweet!), me, Cindy, Deb, and Bonnie Sharp (so cool and easy to talk to)...

and oh my gosh, RIGHT before we left, Tori Wild caught up with us. I'm so glad you went a day early, Tori!...

I got to meet a lot more awesome ladies, but I either SPACED OUT and forgot to get my camera out in time (kicking myself for that) or the pics themselves were just too blurry.

If you made it all the way to end, thanks for sticking with me!


  1. TFS all these great photos! I'm so glad you got to go and meet all these wonderful ladies in person! I can see you all enjoyed yourselves together :D

  2. Fabulous girl! I know how fun it is to meet everyone and your pictures show it!!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh my had sooo much fun!!! Thanks so much for sharing those wonderful pictures!!!!

  4. So glad you had a wonderful time!! But Im secretly hating you b/c I didnt get to go!LOL!! J/K!! Great pics!

  5. What FAB pics girlie! Looks like you had a BLAST! I am SO bummed that I couldn't go!!!

  6. WOW! Look at all those celebrities!!! I am so thrilled you got to meet Barbara!! Looks like loads of fun for all of you!

  7. Hey, I have never been called cool before lol!! I am so happy to have finally met you Denise - what a fun time and sending hugs to you!! I'm doing the cool dance...I'm cool, I'm cool.....

  8. Well, I went to CHA but I didn't see anyone! I was so bummed. I saw Beate and Sherry working at the SCS booth, but I didn't say 'hi' to them cause I didn't know them. I looked all over for you and Christina Fisher, but couldn't find either of you. Kim, from MFT, even texted Christina, and I still couldn't find. I had a great time at CHA though, even though I didn't see any of my online friends. I don't know where you all were!

  9. Oh Denise it looks like you had a blast! So many happy faces. How fun!

  10. Great pics Denise!! Makes me sad that CHA was in my backyard (well maybe down the street & around the corner) & I didn't even get to go!! Look at all the fun you had!

  11. Can't believe that was our only picture, either!!! DANG! We just HAVE to see each other again - and soon! I loved meeting you! You are just so much fun!!!! Hugs!

  12. Denise, I am SO glad I got to meet you! You are even sweeter in person! Your photos are great -- it was such a fun time! :)

  13. Thanks for sharing the pics. Looks like you had loads of fun :D

  14. FAB pic's Denise!!! I can tell you and Lori had a blast :)!!! Thanks for sharing you photos with us!!! Hugs ~S~

  15. Fabulous pics, Denise! Totally "greening"! I so want to go to CHA and meet peeps! Fun times I am sure! TSMFS!

  16. So fun meeting you Denise! I can't wait until we can hang out again. You have to come to the trade show part next time!

  17. Your photos are great--TFS! What fun to meet all your "heroes" and see all the newest products!

  18. WOW - you look like you had an AWESOME time!!! I sooooo wish I could have been there!!! :)
