
Sunday, June 26, 2011


Hey guys. I’ve decided that after three years of DT work, it's time for me to give it up and just go back to crafting for fun when (and if) I have time. This may seem sudden, but it’s not…it’s something I’ve been thinking about and going back and forth on for over six months now. While I still like coloring images and making cards, it’s not as much of a priority as it used to be. My heart just isn’t in it like it once was. Other things need my attention and I want to focus on those things, get away from being on the computer so much, and not have so many things on my "to-do list" all the time.

I consider myself very lucky to have had to chance to be a part of Penny Black, Our Craft Lounge and the Sweet Stop Sketch team. They're such awesome teams with such nice people….I think it's the reason I struggled so long in making this decision to step away. I can't thank them enough for their generosity and allowing me to be a part of their teams.

For all of you who visit my blog, thank you, too!! Your support and friendships mean a lot to me. I still plan to make cards and post here to my blog, so I hope you’ll still visit me. I just might not have as many posts each month and I won’t be posting as a DT member (at least for a long while)...I'll just be crafting and posting for fun. :)



  1. Denise, I totally understand how you are feeling. It is so hard sometimes to balance life and the blog, that it does not make it fun anymore. I totally love your work and I really look forward to still seeing your wonderful work!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Christine

  2. Good for you, Denise. I salute you and I applaud you for your smart, yet difficult decision. I so look forward to seeing more of your work as time and inspiration allow. I'll be right here and I'll leave a light on! (got you on Google Reader so I never lose track of you)

  3. Good for you Denise... not an easy decision, but the right one for you at this time. Enjoy the break and I look forward to still visiting you. hugs Sharon

  4. Girl, you know I love ya! You and I met through this crazy land and we'll continue to be friends even if we aren't on any DT's together!
    I totally understand where you are coming from and sometimes feel overwhelmed myself with everything I have to do. Finding that right balance is always difficult and you know I support your decisions!
    Big hugs my friend!

  5. Stamping can really take over your life if you let it! Good for you for taking your life back! Always enjoy your posts!

  6. I'm sure it was a hard decision, but a good one for you! Your blog will remain in my reader and I look forward to your "fun stamping" posts! ((((HUGS))))

  7. Paper crafting can easily take over our lives, I'm sure this wasn't an easy decision for you. I do understand crafting for fun again though! Your creations are always beautiful and I look forward to seeing your newest for fun creations! Best wishes to you :)

  8. Good for you Denise. You know I always followed you for you :).I just resigned from one because it just robs me of creativity and takes the fun out of it for me.
    Been there - done that. No more :)
    Hugs :)

  9. I get it, Denise. No one would ever fault you for wanting to craft for fun and when the inspiration hits you instead of on demand to sell product. I admire your courage to made the stand to be your own person! Hugs!

  10. good for you- a hobby should never seem like work!

  11. Hugs sweetie, we will DEFINITELY see you around!!

  12. There's a time and season for everything, sweetie....still lookin' forward to your future posts....good luck!

  13. Denise, I love your work and am so inspired by what you share on your blog. Thanks for sharing and I will look forward to any card that you post.

  14. Tough decision, I'm sure, but by the sounds of it a good one :) Will still come and visit, promise! Enjoy your "for fun" crafting and look forward to seeing what you create.

  15. Yep, it's tough! I'm still following...will be watching for your FUN stamping!

  16. :) I will still look forward to seeing your lovely cards yet.

  17. You can count on me to keep coming back to see what you're creating whether it's DT work or just for fun stuff! I've only begun to dabble with DT work, and I understand the pressure that's involved, especially those like yourself with a little one to care for! I applaud your decision to put yourself and your family first and I hope you all enjoy a stress-free summer of fun! {{big hugs my friend}}

  18. Denise, Your work is so beautiful...I could always understand why your work was in such demand. But when it starts to feel like work it's not fun anymore. I'm sure we will get to see some more of your beautiful work and I will keep following and I hope to get to see you again sometime to still do cards with you...Now that was fun!

  19. I sooo admire you for making this difficult decision, gf....a whole new world will open up to you and the stress will be cool is that!!!!! You will always be in my heart and on my blog roll...{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  20. I have been a long time admirer of your work. You have such talent. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I also so much admire the decision you have made. Always good to follow your heart.

  21. Denise you are the best and I am so happy you made a decision that is right for you. I have just recently found out how overwhelming it can be so I totally understand. I look forward to your just for fun projects, I know they will be great.

  22. Will still enjoy your blog when you have time to post go and enjoy each day to the fullest!!!
    Jan Castle

  23. Well ... that is such a brave and sensible decision, Denise! And ... I know exactly where you are coming from ... my decision to leave SU! was just as hard ... but just as necessary! And ... don't worry ... you are still on my "daily visits" list. (I try to visit each day ... but it doesn't always happen!) I can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Hugs xxaxx

  24. You will be missed greatly, Denise! You will always be on my visiting list, so I look forward to the posts you do make! Enjoy creating for fun again, my friend!

  25. You go girl! I totally agree that DT work can eat up large chunks of our time and I admire your choice to free yourself of the deadlines! I will always be a follower of your matter the number of posts! :-)

  26. Nothing sucks one's creatavity away more than when you have to meet deadlines and your heart isn't always in it and you are thinking about other things non-card related - and then it becomes a stress which takes all the fun and joy out of it. I just recently made the same decision, and although it was hard and I felt kind of guilty, I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do. And I am sure you would be feeling the same way - you want to be loyal but need to be free of the responsibility - and let's face it: we can't do everything! Being on a DT is a very big commitment and I think it is easy to burn-out IMHO - and better to step down before you burn out completely!

    I will still be popping by no matter how often you post, so don't feel pressured. Sit back, take it easy and make it fun and happy for YOU.

    {{hugs}} Jocelyn

  27. I totally understand your choice! And thank you for the years of inspiration. I'll look forward to continued blog posts - whenever they happen. Enjoy your new direction! Sincerely, Beverly

  28. You are a very special mom, wife, and woman, Denise. I am proud of you and understand totally even though I will miss you! I have a good online friend who I wish would follow your lead! Best of luck!

  29. I completely understand your feeling. I work full time, plus I'm on 3 DT's, and its so hard just to meet deadlines. I never had the time to make what I really want, because I always have to make something else.

  30. I'm sure it was a tough decision, but your readers will continue to return as your work is ALWAYS fabulous!

    AND this just means more time to stalk Harvick...oh wait, I mean follow!


    Hugs sweetie!!

  31. Denise I will still be checking in to see your awesome cards! I understand your decision and wish you happiness in all that you do.

  32. Good for you Denise. I will still stop by to see how you're doing. :o)

  33. Good luck for everything Denise, I will still be dropping in by to see your amazing cards.

    I understand you made a difficult decision and one that has not been easy for you. I understand your decision. You have been a great inspiration to me, and will continue to be.

  34. YAHOO! Not that I want you to NOT design, but that you have courage to step back and do it for fun!!! I've felt that pull too. Behind ya 100%!

  35. We will miss you on the design team over at Penny Black, but I will still visit to see your wonderful creations.

  36. what a hard decision this must have been but I thoroughly understand- your entries will be missed but I will stay subscribed because I find you a real inspiration. Thanks and good luck with whatever you take on next.

  37. Your coloring and design of cards is wonderful. I'll look forward to seeing what you create when you post. In the meantime, enjoy the new path you are going to follow. Thanks so much for sharing.

  38. Denise - I will miss you at the Penny Black DT -but i do understand-
    Big hug!

  39. Good for you Denise, I know it must have been a tough decision. I'm sure you'll be much happier doing the things you really want. Hugs :)

  40. as much as I've enjoyed your DT work, I totally know how/what you're thinking. I love your work and will follow you even if it's just on occasion. Totally respect and ADMIRE your decision, girlie. HUGE hugs!

  41. TOTALLY understand, Denise. I made the same decision last year, and I have loved just crafting for fun a couple of times or so a week. Best to you! And believe me... I will still visit. You make the cutest and most beautifully colored cards. Hugs.

  42. We will miss you at The Sweet Stop, but no matter what image you use, you create wonderful cards! I will be back no matter what. Have FUN! Thant's the most important thing. :o)

  43. Denise, I know that you will absolutely be missed. However, I do understand how you feel after being either a challenge hostess, coordinator, and/or DT member of something for the past three years. The constant deadlines and pressure to create your very best can overwhelm you.

  44. Oh Denise! How I admire you for your decision! I should do the same. WE are in the process of trying to sell our house in NY and move to VA. Crazy me is continuing with my teams and trying to pack and clean consistently (before each real estate tour), I will miss seeing your many posts but I will continue to follow you and see all your awesome creations. Enjoy your "Free" time!!!

  45. Oh Denise!! I can totally relate and am feeling overwhelmed myself right now. But when it starts feeling like work and it zaps all the fun out of's time to do something else. You have me as a friend forever, so I'll always be stopping by!! :) I know it was a hard decision for you to make but I bet you're already starting to enjoy your "free" time!! Have a wonderful summer my friend!!!

    Big Hugs!!

  46. Totally get it....good for you for doing what's right for you! :) If i don't see you blogging, I'll see you on FB!! :)

  47. Hi Denise, I've only just seen your post. I totally undertstand where you're coming from. The pressures of DT's can really take the fun out of crafting and make you forget the reasons that we do it.
    I look forward to seeing more of your creations that are just for you.
    Sarah xx :0)

  48. Oh, Diane, you have no idea how close I came to this decision, myself, recently. But I only do one team. I could never do three. It would make me crazy! This must have been a difficult decision for you, and I have to say I'm proud of you for having the heart to step away. You do such fabulous work. You're one of my favorite stops, so I hope you'll have a little something to share now and then (selfish me). I love seeing the things folks make when they're stamping just for themselves. That's the best testimonial, and it produces the best results. Enjoy your time and freedom!

  49. Oops! I meant Denise!!!! Diane? Where did Diane come from? Sorry! Love you by any name!

  50. Oh girlie, I totally applaud your decision!! It is SO easy to become burnt out...this is supposed to be FUN, and when it isn't fun, then somethings gotta give! You know I think you are a ROCK star, and I can't wait to see your fun posts! LOVE ya girlie! HUGS!

  51. I was wondering where you've been!! This is the first I've seen this announcement, but just so you know, I will miss your constant inspiration! Now I'll just have to rely on it what ya gotta do, and take care! :)

  52. Denise, I totally understand. I have stopped doing DT myself. I want to create when I want to create, not because I have to :). I won my first stamp set from you several years ago. How time flies.
    Hugs :)

  53. Hugs, Denise! I completely understand. It can be overwhelming when you're just not feeling it. I took some time off this winter from all but one team and it was so nice to take a break for awhile.
